Remember when your mother told you that you needed eight hours of beauty sleep? Well, she wasn’t joking! Aside from keeping your skin hydrated, there’s nothing more important you can do for your skin than get enough sleep. It’s while you’re sleeping that your body repairs itself, and you’ll find, if you sleep enough, that you have clearer, fresher skin, which requires less makeup to look good.
Another big factor is the tell tale bags and shadows under your eyes. If you’re not sleeping enough, then probably even if you have all the concealer in the world won’t help you get rid of them. So, take the easy way out, and make sure that you get enough rest!
Tips for puffy eyes
If you have had a late night, and you find that your eyes are puffy, place a teaspoon in the fridge for a few minutes, and then apply it to your eye area. The cold metal from the teaspoon will help you to reduce puffiness below the eyes, and keep you from looking overly tired.