Interwoven in the layers of your skin are a large number of minute, invisible sebaceous glands, approx. 300 per square cm.
However, should the opening of one of these sebaceous glands become blocked by dirt or skin cells, which have clumped together etc. The excreted sebum accumulates and a blackhead is formed.
Certain skin bacteria collect on the sebaceous matter of the blackheads, which causes the inflammation of the sebaceous glands. Pus forms and then you will have the unwelcome result - a troublesome pimple.
How can you make those pimples disappear?
To deal with this annoying problem, you will just need the correct skin care and a little patience. There is a protective acid mantle of the skin with its pH value of 5.5 and it plays an important role - as a defence mechanise,. This is our skin's natural barrier against harmful environmental influences and germs. Hence, appropriate skin care is most important for everyone.
Just find the correct skin care for your skin will help getting rid of those pimples.