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Tips of the month - June 2009


Durian can be considered as a dangerous fruit and have a awful sulfuric smell. It is a well known as "King of the Fruits" But almost everyone finds this fruit either repulsive or addictive. Not many people know that durian have a significant source of carbohydrates and fats but proteins as well.

Durian is banned from some parts of the public areas because of the smell, while some health organisation discouraged people from eating not more than two sections of durian per day as there are some cases where people die from excessive durian intake. Even people are killed every year by durians falling from trees.

Durian can be found at any local Asian market. A typical durian has 5 sections of fruit. When it is ripe, a seam should be visible down the outside of each section of the shell. To eat, pull apart along the shell seams and remove the yellow pod of fruit inside.

Health Benefits

1. Blood - A strong blood cleanser

2. Mood - Contains high levels of the amino acid tryptophan, known to alleviate anxiety, depression, and insomnia, and create feelings of euphoria, by raising levels of serotonin in the brain.

3. Muscles - A good muscle builder. Contains high levels of soft proteins.

4. Sexual Function - Asian legends say that durian is a powerful aphrodisiac.


Carbohydrates - 65.8 g
Copper - 0.5 mg
Fats - 13 g (A good source of monounsaturated fat)
Fiber - 9.2 g
Iron - 1 mg
Magnesium - 72.9 mg
Manganese - 0.8 mg
Potassium - 1060 mg
Protein/Amino Acids - 3.6 g (Contains higher levels of protein than most other fruits.)
Sulfur - N/A (Known for it's sulfuric odor.)
Vitamin B6 - 0.8 mg
Vitamin B9/Folate - 87.5 mcg
Vitamin C - 47.9 mg

June 2, 2009 8:13:00 PM


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