We have heard the power of antioxidants. Tannins and antioxidants appear naturally in coffee, and these are well know to fight free radicals and other assaults on the body. With these properties, coffee may reduce the risk of asthma attacks as well.
Antioxidants are chemical compounds that protect the body's cells from damaging effects of oxidation. They help support the immune system and may reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Caffeine in the coffee helps to improve circulation within the heart and arteries too.
What is the appropriate amount of coffee we should drink in a day?
The answer is, 3 to 4 cups a day is considered reasonable and a moderate amount. Just be in mind that an 8 oz cup of coffee contains around 75 mg of caffeine and it usually recommended not to exceed 300 mg per day.
What does researchers says about the benefits of coffee?
Harvard researchers said that coffee, when drank regularly can be a cure for diabetes, Parkinson's disease and colon cancer. It could even improve your mood, treat daily headache problems and even be a drink to lower risk of cavities.
Why coffee smells good but taste bitter?
Studies conducted in Europe cite that the trigoneline, the compound which why coffee smells nice and has bitter taste, has benefits such as antibacterial and anti-adhesive. These can prevent the formation of dental cavities.
Who should avoid drinking coffee?
Unfortunately, there are people who should avoid drinking coffee. People with bladder and kidney problems, gallstones, heart problems, high cholesterol levels should avoid drinking coffee. It is advisable that pregnant women should avoid as well.
Note: Over excess of caffeine can lead to nervousness, anxiety and rapid heartbeat. If caffeine overstimulates the nervous systems, making the adrenal glands work overboard. This will reduces the capability of bones to absorb the necessary minerals, making bones weak and risk of osteoporosis. But this effect can be reduced if milk is mixed with coffee.