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How to tell if you have a healthy scalp

Women do everything and anything to ensure they have got great hair. But no matter how chic the haircut or how vibrant the colour, all efforts will be wasted if you don't have a healthy scalp to being with.

Scalp too oily? Hair looks stringy and limp. Scalp too dry? You could lose your hair - for good.

So, how to tell if you have a healthy scalp?

Your hair is shiny, not greasy.
Oil-slicked hair means your scalp is oily. P&G Beauty scientist says "it is best to shampoo every day or every other day so that you maintain clean hair and a healthy scalp."

Your scalp does not itch.
If you keep wanting to scratch your head, you many have a dray or sensitive scalp. Too-hot water in the shower, not rinsing out the soap properly and speed shampooing can also lead to scalp itch.

Your hair is strong and does not break easily.
Not only that, if you look closely, you may see two or three strands of hair growing out of each follicle. On an unhealthy scalp where follicles may be clogged up with dead skin cells and sebum, fewer hairs grow and the hair is weal.

There is good blood circulation in the scalp.
Professional salons can asses this using a scalp scanner, which shows the blood vessels. Try massaging your scalp with your knuckles when you are in the shower to improve circulation.

NOTE: Even your scalp can get sunburnt. That's because our hair provides insufficient sun protection for our sensitive scalps. So wear a hat or use an umbrella if you are going to be out in the sun for long.

[Extracted from Her World, August 2008]

November 27, 2008 7:54:00 AM


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