As we get older, dark circles and bags underneath our eyes become more prominent. But make no mistake, this problem is not exclusive only to people getting on in their years. Young adults and teens can also have a run-in with this annoying problem.
There are many factors that contribute to those unsightly dark circles and puffy bags underneath your eyes. The most common ones are lack of sleep, allergies, aging, stress, poor diet and genetics. Unless you have surgery, there's no sure way to cure or get rid of circles or bags. By taking some easy steps at home to minimize them, you'll improve the appearance of your eyes and your overall health.
Stay Hydrated Drink plenty of water. This will actually prevent your body from trying to retain it and causing a counterproductive swelling-affect that happens all over.
Watch Your Diet Make a mental note to cut down on caffeine and sodium. Both of these promote water retention that can settle in your face as you sleep, causing puffy eyes. Take multi-vitamins, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and you'll probably notice other benefits too, like reduced blood pressure and lower body fat.
Ease Your Stress Level By reducing your stress, you'll rest and sleep more effectively. You'll be rubbing your eyes less and your facial expressions will be much more relaxed.
Get Plenty of Sleep Lack of sleep is a major cause for both dark circles and under-eye bags. Maintain a regular sleep schedule and your body won't be thrown into overdrive with irregular hours. Try sleeping with your head on two pillows, so fluids will be less likely to settle in your face and give you tired eyes. Use Concealer A concealer can do wonders to hide dark circles or puffiness under your eyes. Choose a color that is just one shade lighter than your skin tone. If you go too light, you'll bring more attention to the problem area. Pat your concealer on first and blend it in so it looks natural. Then apply your foundation and set it with a light dusting of loose powder.
Eye Treatment There are many eye treatment creams on the market today that are specifically to reduce dark circles and/or bags underneath your eyes. If you don't try any, you'll never know.